Our Vision
A network where people gather, access resources, and give back to the community. A portal for accessing blessings for the world, real time.
Values that bring our community together
O le ala i le pule o le Tautua. The notion that one must make a sacrifice or serve in order to ascend to significance. It does not have to be heroic or global, but it can be located at the personal level where it makes a meaningful difference.
Feiloa’i i i’u o Gafa
The idea that we are all connected and that what one does, good bad or indifferent does have an effect on our community.
E seu le manu ae taga’i i le galu
When you go after the bird, be mindful of the wave. When you are focused on one thing, be mindful of another.
E lele le toloa ae maau i le vai
The bird toloa, when it flies always long for water, or that which sustains life. A person cannot fly too long away from source without connecting back to it.
The war club wielded by Nafanua that brought the entire Samoan Archipelago under her leadership. The idea of unity, strength and resilience is important to this world view.